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For Art History Survey courses Explore the reissued Janson and experience the history of art Janson's History of Art: The Western Tradition, Reissued Eighth Edition presents the same content as the text's Eighth Edition, published in 2010, now reimagined for digital learning via REVEL, and also available through the Pearson Custom Library.

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For Art History Survey courses Explore the reissued Janson and experience the history of art Janson's History of Art: The Western Tradition, Reissued Eighth Edition presents the same content as the text's Eighth Edition, published in 2010, now reimagined for digital learning via REVEL, and also available through the Pearson Custom Library.

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Janson’s History of Art is still available in the original hardcover edition and in Volume I and Volume II splits. The Portable Edition is comprised of four books, each representing a major period of art history: Long established as the classic and seminal introduction to art of the Western world, the Eighth Edition of Janson's History of Art